Tuesday, October 27, 2009

E.C. Glass Competes at JMU's Parade of Champions and wins BEST Music!

This past Saturday, October 24, the Pride of the Old Dominion competed at the largest band contest in Virginia, the JMU Parade of Champions.  The band performed one of their best shows of the season and brought home Best Music!  More than 6000 people were in attendance with more than 40 bands from North Carolina, Virginia, as well as bands from as far as New York.  Congratulations to the students, staff, and boosters on a great finale to a great season.  Upcoming events include the band banquet and concert on November 17 and the Christmas Parade on December 5.

Check them out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2J8cOXiOxc

About The Glass Bands