Saturday, August 22, 2009

Schedule for August 24-28

Friday, August 28:
Practice at Grass Field afterschool
GAME at city stadium

Home Football games are busy days for students in Marching Band! Members need to remember to bring to school their band shoes, black socks, band gloves, appropriate under-the-uniform attire (lightweight gym-style shorts), and band show t-shirt.

Students stay afterschool school for band rehearsal. The rehearsal is usually brief, but is important as we prepare for the evening’s performance. We conclude rehearsal by 4:15 and have students pack their equipment onto the band truck. At 4:45, after the truck has been sufficiently packed and double checked by section leaders and captains, we meet in the band room and dismiss to dinner which is served in the band hallway (served by band boosters). Usually students just sit in the hallway and eat. Once students finish eating, they dress into their uniforms and then meet in the band room (dressed) for final inspection and announcements.

We dismiss the students to the buses by 5:45 for the short trip to City Stadium. We unload and warm-up near the Credit Union Building and march in for the pre-game performance of the National Anthem at 6:45. Kickoff is 7pm.

Students sit in the roped-off Band Section and must stay with the band for the entire game. After the game, usually 10pm-ish, we load the buses and return to Glass where we check-in the uniforms, unload the truck and straighten up the band room and surrounding areas. Students then meet the directors for final words, comments about the day and announcements BEFORE being dismissed. This post-game meeting is required for all students.

Following dismissal, many go to “hang out” at Monte Carlo’s restaurant on Old Forest Rd., though it is completely on your own. Many parents attend this as well, so we hope you consider joining us!

o Instrument Cleaned
o Show Shirt to change into after dinner
o Long Black Socks (no ankle socks)
o Band Shoes
o Gloves
o Deodorant
o Hair Pulled back in inside hat (may need something to pin/hold hair up)
o No Jewelry (exceptions made for studs for recently pierced ears)
o Flag/Rifle/Sticks appropriately taped and ready


About The Glass Bands