Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Marching Band Kick-Off Meeting a BIG Success!

The 2009 Marching Band Season officially started with the annual Show Reveal and Informational Meeting, Tuesday, May 5. With more than 100 in attendance, we reminisced about last year, shared this year's theme (ask someone who was there or see a Director if you missed it!), and signed up many new members.

2009 Show Video (Windows Media Video, 26mb...may take a few minutes to open) This contains the music to our Fall Show as well as drill sample of what it will look like. We'll have pdf versions of the music available in a Members section soon! Check here for updates.

Parent Presentation (MS PowerPoint File)


Marching Band Application Form (due May 15)

Marching Band Parent Info Form (due May 15)

Financial Aid Application (due May 15)

Marching Band 2009 Calendar (subject to updates)

Band Fee Payment *Plan

*Band Fee Payment Plan
May 15 $50
June 15 $75
Equipment/instrument fees due if applicable (school instruments, percussion, and guard members have additional fees that may apply)
August 5 $50
September 1 $50

*If receiving financial aid you must submit the “financial aid” application by May 15 to Mr. Seipp. If granted F.A., you will be given an alternate payment schedule. No Student has ever been denied an opportunity to participate due to finances....please fill out an application and send to Mr. Seipp if you need help. seipplm@lcsedu.net

IMPORTANT! Those who have not made any payments as of June 16 will not be permitted to participate.

Summer Dates:
JUNE 15-19
Tech week is for ALL marching band members and is a week of music and fundamental rehearsals. WHAT TO BRING TO TECH WEEK? Instrument, Music, Equipment, Re-usable Water bottle.

CLOTHING for this week should be athletic attire (shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes). There is a distinct possibility that we’ll spend some time outdoors, so bring hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, and don’t forget your water bottle.

Brass & Woodwinds & Drumline:
Monday: 9am-12 (noon)
Tuesday: 9am-12 (noon)
Wednesday: 9am-12 (noon)
*Thursday: See below

Front Ensemble:
Monday: 9am-12 (noon) and 1-4pm
Tuesday: 9am-12 (noon) and 1-4pm
Wednesday: 9am-12 (noon) and 1-4pm
*Thursday: See below

Monday: 1-4pm
Tuesday: 1-4pm
Wednesday: 1-4pm
*Thursday: See below

Thursday: 9-12 and 1:00-5:30pm (bring a bag lunch)
5:30pm Parent Preview “show-and-tell”
6:00pm Cook-out on the Lawn at ECG

Friday: No rehearsals
Drum Majors, Guard, and Percussion Captains report (9-12)

Saturday, June 20:

Additional Tech Week Items: Members will be fitted for shoes and measured for uniforms during Tech Week. Members are reminded about additional monies due. School equipment fee of $25 apply to guard, percussion, and school instrument players. Also, all members will need shoes if you don’t already have some from previous years ($28) and an undertard for guard members ($30). Brass and Woodwind members will need two pairs of gloves ($4 total). Students selected for the rifle line will need to purchase gloves ($12) and a rifle ($30). ECG Band will place one big order for these items, but students will not be given their items until they have paid for them. Please make a note on checks and paypal payments that it is for "guard accessories" or “shoes and gloves”, etc. Rifle line try-outs will be held during Tech Week.


August 3 (all day): Leadership Training is REQUIRED for ALL student leaders and captains. But, it is open to all band members. Cost is $25. Deadline for registration is June 19. What is it? Leadership and Ropes Training Course, provided by Lynchburg College. E-mail interest to mailto:ecgbandboosters@comcast.net (July 15 deadline)

August 4-7: 9am – 4 (lunch break will be provided)
Drumline, Front Ensemble Percussion, and Guard

August 5-7: 9am – 4 (lunch break will be provided)
New Brass and Woodwind Members Marching Training, Student Leaders


August 10-14: 8am-6pm (lunch break from 12-1:00)
Since Camp has been reduced from two full weeks to one, we will need to work extra hard regarding music and drill. In addition to being able to play all of the show, it will be expected that ALL hornline (brass and woodwind) and percussion members have all of Movement I memorized prior to August 5. NOTE: Lunch will not be provided. Please plan to either brown-bag it, or bring your own $ to use at local fast food places. See schedule for times. Band Camp can be a physically strenuous week, so please eat healthy meals, drink plenty of healthy fluids (Water, Gatorade), and get a good night’s sleep. Any member found without their own water cooler may be sent home, so please have your own, with your name clearly marked on it.


August 17-21: 6-9pm
Continue learning the show. There will be a parent show at 6pm on August 21, followed by a potluck dinner for families and friends in the cafeteria. We usually need to alter our schedule around LCS registration, and will update this week’s schedule according to that schedule when we know it.


August 24: Back to School
Practice at ECG from 6:00-8:30pm (turf field). Practices will continue throughout the season on Monday evenings, and Wednesdays and Fridays, from 2:45-5:30.

The Band Boosters are holding a Quilt Raffle! Tickets are only $1 each. This quilt is a hand-sewn, one-of-a-kind quilt, and made in ECG Blue colors. The drawing will take place at the May 21st Band Concert.

About The Glass Bands