Thursday, July 23, 2009

Salem DCI Show

Monday, July 27, at 7:00 pm is the Salem Summer Music Games DCI (Drum Corps International) Show at Salem Stadium. For tickets go to

The Cavaliers will be rehearsal (free and open to the public) at Heritage High School that morning and afternoon. Glass band members are expected to go watch for a while if you're in town. See you there!

The latest newsletter is now online. See the forms section to the right. And, if you haven't turned in your medical forms or application/agreement form for 2009, they are due and also available for download in the forms section to the right.

Finally, our own Chris Rockwell (trumpet section leader) continues to shine as he performs with the Blue Stars Drum and Bugle Corps. Check them out at The corps is doing incredibly well...and continues to make dci history with their rise to the top as a top 6 drum corps. Check out the Blue Stars on Facebook too, at We're SO proud of Chris!

About The Glass Bands