Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Concert Festival, March 5-7 (Pre-Festival Concert March 4)

UPDATED--Monday, February 23!!
District VI Concert Festival will be March 5-7 at E.C. Glass High School where more than 60 bands and orchestras will be performing throughout the weekend. Did you know? By hosting this event, we are saving LCS bands and orchestras nearly $10,000 in transportation costs. If contacted, PLEASE consider volunteering a few hours to help us run the event as smoothly as possible. FULL PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE HERE (MS excel)

Wind Ensemble Dress Rehearsals (with percussion):
Monday, February 23 and March 2, from 2:40-3:45

Symphonic Band Dress Rehearsals (with percussion):
Tuesday, February 24 and March 3, from 2:40-3:45

Pre-Festival Performance:
Wednesday, March 4, beginning at 6pm (actual group performance time TBA)

Festival Performances:
Wind Ensemble, March 5 (9:30 am performance)
8am Dress
8:20 On Stage for individual tuning/setup
8:30 Ensemble Warm-up and Spot Checks
9:10 Stand up and Stretch, Bathroom Breaks
9:25 Reseating
9:30 Performance
9:55 Sightreading Performance
10:10 Change
10:30 Watch Ensembles in Auditorium until end of 4th period

Symphonic Band, March 6 (3:55 pm performance)
2:00 Dress
2:30 Cafeteria or Lecture Hall individual tuning/setup
2:40 Ensemble Warm-up and Spot Checks
3:35 Percussion Goes to Stage for Setup (ahead of the band)
3:55 Performance on Stage
4:25 Sightreading Performance
4:45 Change and Dismissed

About The Glass Bands