Saturday, December 5, 2009

Parade still on! (As of 11:15)

Parade still on! Layer up, bring a warm jacket (everyone). See you at 3.

-Mr. Seipp
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

E.C. Glass Competes at JMU's Parade of Champions and wins BEST Music!

This past Saturday, October 24, the Pride of the Old Dominion competed at the largest band contest in Virginia, the JMU Parade of Champions.  The band performed one of their best shows of the season and brought home Best Music!  More than 6000 people were in attendance with more than 40 bands from North Carolina, Virginia, as well as bands from as far as New York.  Congratulations to the students, staff, and boosters on a great finale to a great season.  Upcoming events include the band banquet and concert on November 17 and the Christmas Parade on December 5.

Check them out at

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 23 and 24

Friday, October 23:
Practice afterschool
Dinner at ECG
Game vs. Amherst

This game is Middle School Band Night and Senior Night.  Middle school band members from DMS and LMS will play the National Anthem with us as well as join us in the stands for the first half. 

Senior Recognition (and Senior parents) at the beginning of half-time.  Parents should report to the right 25 yardline on the track, 2 minutes before halftime.  After the senior recognition, the band will do their half-time show.

Saturday, October 24 (updated!)
JMU Parade of Champions
*The forecast calls for a chance of rain. This show will either go on as scheduled or be cancelled.  If it's sprinkling, we will proceed as planned unless the show staff cancels.   Any notifications about the contest will be posted here and on the Facebook page. 

Tickets are $10 for those who wish to come up and cheer us on!  Please come support these great students!  Go GLASS!

8:00am Warm-up and Rehearsal at Grass Field (be on time, please!)  If it's raining, we'll rehearse inside.

10:00 Load Truck

10:30 Uniform Check-out (in bags and boxes)

10:45 Announcements, Load Buses by Seniority. Eat on the bus (bring packed lunch from home).  Band will provide bottled water and snacks.

11:15 Depart ECG, Bathroom Stop on the way

1:15 Arrive at JMU (must be fully dressed upon arrival)


Truck moves to stadium to unload pit equipment and props.   Pit warm-up by the truck.

3:15 Performance

Group Photos

Load truck with equipment. This needs to happen in 20 minutes!!

4:15 Watch JMU Perform

4:30 Awards for Class A/AA

5:00 Finish Packing Truck, Change out of uni’s

5:30 Dinner (Eat at JMU dining hall, cost is $10 for all you can eat.  Bring CASH for this.)

6:30 Return to watch remaining Bands

10:00 Watch JMU Performance #2

11:00pm Depart for Home

1am Return home!!

• Students should bring at least $20 for food and snacks.


• In addition, there are a lot of souvenir things available at this show, so would be smart to bring some spending money as well.

• Pack warm clothes….it gets COLD in Harrisonburg! (gloves and hat too!)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Friday, October 16

Game vs. HHS

This is an "Away" game for us, therefore we will be doing our show at Pregame (beginning at 6:40) for the "Away" game side of the stadium.  Please consider the evening weather as you plan what to wear under uniforms.  Layers are fine, just make sure they are thin layers.  Jeans under uniforms are VERY bulky and are not recommended.

We will be moving 8th grade band night to October 23, along with Senior night (halftime). 

At this point, the field at the stadium is fine and the game will happen as scheduled. 

About The Glass Bands